Summer STATS Espresso

When and Where

Friday, June 21, 2024 9:30 am to 10:30 am


The Undergrad Team


Happy Stats Summer!

As course enrolment is coming up, the Undergrad team will be hosting two virtual drop-in advising sessions to answer all your burning questions…and have a little fun as well!

Please use this form to RSVP, submit questions in advance, and answer some fun icebreaker questions.

We will be hosting 2 sessions on Friday, June 21st (Online – MS Teams):


Here is an example of some topics we will be covering:
Course Enrolment: When can I enrol? What's the deal with priority enrolment? What if I end up on a waitlist?
Course Selection: How do I know which courses are best for me?
STATS Program Help: Am I on the right track? What are my options for changing my program? Are my program requirements flexible?
Opportunities: How can I get involved in the Stats Department?
