Actuarial Science Programs

Welcome to our Award-winning Actuarial Science Undergraduate Programs!

Actuarial Science applies mathematical, statistical, and machine learning methods to assess risks in insurance, finance, pension, investment, and other industries. We offer a Major program and a Specialist program in Actuarial Science.

Our programs in Actuarial Science are the oldest, and one of the best, in North America and internationally. We are recognized as a Center for Actuarial Excellence (CAE) by the Society of Actuaries (SOA) and are one of the few Canadian universities to receive this prestigious designation. We have won the Casualty Actuarial Society (CAS) University Award, which is awarded to up to only 3 universities globally every year. We have also received the Gold Level (highest level) in the CAS University Recognition Program. We are one of eleven programs in Canada to receive full accreditation status with Canadian Institute of Actuaries (CIA), which significantly shortens the “travel time” for our students to achieve professional credentials.

Where do graduates from our programs work?

  • Insurance industry: life and annuities, health insurance, property & casualty, reinsurance, actuarial consulting, etc.
  • Pension plan valuation, investment, and management.
  • Actuarial software development.
  • Quantitative finance and investment.
  • Enterprise Risk Management (ERM), merger & acquisition.
  • Governmental departments such as Statistics Canada and Health Canada; social insurance schemes.
  • Banking and other financial services.
  • Non-traditional actuarial fields such as climate risk management and microinsurance.