Rohan Alexander

Rohan Alexander

First Name: 
Last Name: 
Assistant Professor
Biography : 

I am an Assistant Professor in Information and Statistical Sciences (joint).

My academic research answers questions in social sciences, such as: are our politicians actually representing us, do elections matter, and how can we make political polling better. To do this I build, clean, maintain, and share datasets in a reproducible way, and then use quantitative methods, such astext analysis, machine learning, and Bayesian hierarchical models, to analyse them.

PhD, Australian National University.
Personal Website:

People Type:

Areas of Interest: 

Quantitative social science; Bayesian methods; Text as data; Messy data; Multilevel modelling with post-stratification

Faculty of Information
Administrative Service: 
Assistant Director, CANSSI Ontario
Meta Description: 
Rohan Alexander is an assistant professor at the U of T Department of Statistical Sciences.